Beyond walls, Sunshine Heights Primary School cultivates a connected ecosystem of learning and belonging. Teachers, parents, and students unite to nurture a shared purpose and celebrate learning and diversity.
Below are just some of the variety of events celebrating our collective spirit and fostering connections:

Term One:
Prep Picnic
Harmony Week
Term Two:
Mother's and Special Person's Breakfast
Twilight School
Term Three:
Athletics Day
STEM whole-school event
Book Week
Father's and Special Person's Breakfast
Term Four:
Spanish Fiesta
Art Show & Festive Concert
Term One:
Prep Picnic
We love to welcome our new prep students and their families to our school community with an evening of song, picture story books and a picnic dinner under the Ash tree.
Harmony Week
Every March we celebrate diversity and inclusion with a series of events that culminates in our whole school Harmony Day performance and school Block Party. Art works, song and dance, cultural food and dress and an epic colour run all combine to further bind our togetherness while embracing our differences.
Term Two:
Twilight School
A wonderful initiative that changes our school hours to 1-7pm so that parents can come to school and be a part of our learning. School after dark is a treat for students and a great way for parents to experience our learning communities in action.
Term Three:

STEM Whole-School Event
Our Whole-School STEM Event is a day for all students to immerse themselves in the world of science! Students will spend the day conducting experiments and participating in activities to gain an understanding of a range of science concepts. It's all hands-on and a lot of fun!
Athletics Day
Our Physical Education program allows students to experience a structured athletics competition from Years 4-6 with our senior athletics carnival. For Preps to Year 3 we hold a sports fun day where our younger students enjoy a range of games and activities and it all ends with a teacher relay race on the oval.
Term Four:
Spanish Fiesta
Spanish is a language associated with so many wonderful nations and cultures around the world. Each year we choose a spanish speaking corner of the globe and go big on celebrating their culture and immerse ourselves in the language as we go. Spanish Fiesta is a day-long celebration that involves the whole school.
Book Week
Books are the best! Book week is an excuse to focus even more on authors and reading and the wonderful world that literature can create for us all. We have visiting authors coming to share their craft and we dress up for our Book Week parade at the end of week assembly.

Art Show & Concert
Our end of year after hours event that showcases the outstanding arts programs at SHPS. Each class performs their very own song and dance and we take over the gym to create a mega gallery of student artworks.